Saturday, November 15, 2008


hurm..a week of xm without internet in my room.. i was suffering a lot isk.. isk..what happn 2 um's internet hah?? kt tngga xde.. kt balkny pn x dpt.. kt kfe x ley connct plak.. lastly.. g numpang tenet blik fit la hehe...

so...tpaksa la ak jd kaki lebri haha.. n my frens pn ikot jd kaki lebri gak.. wujud la Library team y member nya; ak, fit n maxi..

'this is the ori version..'

Right after the last papr.. i'm suprised tht the cnnection is vry good.. i can even donlod big fish game in my room... to be exact.. on my desk huhu.. tme x desperate nak gna ada lak tenet hehe.. tp my roomate x dpt plak cnnect (nad x abes xm lg).. mybe tu tok org2 y da abes xm kn2.. whatever la haha..

Friday, November 14, 2008

Happy or Sad day??

confuse?? happy?? dizzy??

minna.. ohisashiburi desune!!

Today is my last papr yey!.. feel relieve fuh...wanna laugh out loud muahahaha..
i'm happy yet very sad isk..isk.. my 'beloved' sbject physiology.. it was terrible huhu.. this xm was quite tough 4 me.. sme pper even mke me wanna cry mwaaaa ='(.. but.. like my mummy said..'apa bley bwatkn... just pray 4 da best!!' i've gvn all my best then hehe me just bley berusaha.. then d rest is on Allah.. neh...

Now im lokng fward for tha camping on sunday.. im vry excited hehe!! hope 2 be fun..