Pada awal subuh yang hening.. Bangun and solat kat surau.. kononnya nak khusyuk lebih skit.. tup2 tetido kt surau.. bangun2 je sakit tulang blakang.. sejuk x mau2 huhu..
Thursday, December 17, 2009
~ Interesting day ~
Posted by zilah at 9:11 PM 1 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
~ zilah no hibi~
Semalam sy ditinggalkan bersendirian di satu majlis bertempat di kps. I dont know why i feel lonely eventhough there are so many people that i know and i can call friends. Just a weird feeling last night. Meet my friends but don't know what to talk about. I tried to smile but it seems so fake =( . Feeling sick of my own 'weird feeling', i just walk out of the majlis before it ended.
Posted by zilah at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
~Blurrr.. Pening2~
Posted by zilah at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
~The World is Starving~
The world is starving from:
1. Good manners
2. Clean air and water
3. People who will stand for humanity
4. The community that will go against racism
5. Leaders who say NO to corruptions.
6. Children who are being brought up with religious knowledge
7. Scholar who uses knowledge for the benefit of human kind
8. Country where every citizen is treated with respect and
9. Place where our child can see their future
The world is sick. What's the cure?
The world is suffering. Who cares?
The world will come to the end. No one bother.
Make this world a better place to live. If it is not for us, it is for our future generation.
Posted by zilah at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
~Marshmallow and Mornflakes Oat~
A pack of Mallow Blast and Mornflake instant oat save me from starving tonight =).. Thanks to my best friends who gave me these foods. It’s so delicious.. nyum.. nyum.. Is it because I’m so hungry? Haha.. who knows..
It’s raining heavily outside that I can’t even go to Amjal for my dinner. I’m easily got hungry when the weather turn to be like this, cold and dull. Being too lousy doing my assignment, with my stomach playing a rock song, I began to start my ‘room cleaning session’ so that I can ignore my hunger. Suddenly, I found a pack of chocolate covered marshmallow and 2 packs of Mornflakes inside my drawer. LUCKY XD!! I ate with a grateful heart. Thanks to Allah.
This reminds me of our families in Africa, Iraq and all over the world who are suffering from hunger. They are not lucky enough to suddenly found marshmallow inside their drawer or being treated free food by their best friend. We are so lucky to be blessed with enough foods, enough restaurants and money to eat. We can eat wherever we want and whenever we want yet we still complaining about food. Skipping one meal of dinner can make us angry and fight with each other. Haven’t take breakfast make us mourn until lunch time. Sometimes I just can’t really understand what foods really mean to each individual. If it’s for me, I just don’t mind skipping my meal and eat double the amount on the next day [don’t do this at home] haha.. Maybe I got used to it already =). But, I do get angry because of food sometimes (*_*).
My friends and I, do reflect the situation of our friends who are hardly getting food and water to fill their tummy. They can’t even choose what to eat. Maybe this is a different argument and different situation but I can’t imagine if we are on their shoes. If suddenly Malaysia is being attacked by Thailand and everything is turned to be like the 50’s. Special meal: ubi kayu + ikan masin, only served at midnight when the army are sleeping, candle light dinner ~ . Are we going to survive?
Ramadhan is just around the corner. It is the best time to reflect ourselves. Add up whatever less and throw away useless things. Happy Ramadhan!! Hopefully, this Ramadhan is a lot better than before. Almighty God. Peace be upon Muhammad, the messenger of God.Posted by zilah at 10:19 PM 2 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Mata Burung @ Dalam Tempurung?
While sitting alone at the HEP today, i took the red bulletin on the table and lazily read it. After flipping a few pages, my eyes caught on one article entitled with 'Mata Burung atau Dalam Tempurung' written by En Abdul Shukur Ishak(someone from Universiti Malaysia Pahang). I do think that this article is closely related to me and the people around me =)
Posted by zilah at 3:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
UMCares,in collaboration with University of Malaya UNESCO Club, and MPMUM, is proud to invite you to be a part of our upcoming This is the very 1st time ever an event as such is held in University of Malaya. UMCares is a group that serves and leads the way of University of Malaya's purpose of being environmental friendly...Together with University of Malaya UNESCO Club and MPMUM, we hope this Car-Boot Sale will be the start of environmental projects in University of Malaya. This Car-Boot Sale aims to encourage the 5R's campaign - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Renew and Respect. Date : 1st August 2009 (Saturday) We hope to encourage Malaysians to go GREEN and start making the effort to save our earth. Profits will be channeled to future UMCares programmes which will continue the fight for an environmental friendly world. For further details, kindly contact us through Titus Loh (Director) at (017-2085777) See you there!
Details of the event are as follows:
Time : 10am till 5pm
Venue : KPS Open Parking Space in UM
Limits : Available for 1st 50 Cars (1st come, 1st serve basis)
Rental : RM30 per lot (2 parking lots)-only ONE car per lot (lunch for two included)
Condition :ONLY used goods/items that are usable are allowed. NO SELLING of alcohol, cigarattes and food & beverages are allowed.
We hope you will be a part of our mission and hope your friends and family to join us on that day to share the joys and sparks our GO-GREEN spirits...
Posted by zilah at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 2, 2009
meeting with COMPLETE
Posted by zilah at 12:27 AM 0 comments
Saturday, June 13, 2009
~mulakan hidup BARU~
Posted by zilah at 5:23 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Pro Mahasiswa UM menuju kemenangan!!
Lalu dijawab oleh burung tersebut, ‘Memang ia tidak akan memadamkan api tersebut, tetapi aku lebih takut kepada Allah kerana Allah akan menyoal aku nanti, apakah yang aku lakukan untuk agama Allah, dan Allah tidak akan bertanya samada aku berjaya memadamkan api itu ataupun tidak‘.
Perkara ini menjadikan saya sedar bahawa usaha manusia hanya sedikit namun sejauh mana manusia mampu untuk melaksanakan sesuatu dalam menegakkan agama Allah di muka Bumi ini.
Begitu juga dengan perjuangan Pro M dalam memastikan kemenangan berpihak kepada pihak yang benar dalam sesi pemilihan MPMUM kali ini. Kami diterjah dengan pelbagai asakan menekan dari pihak HEP namun saya sedar bahawa ini hanya medan ujian kecil. Bagaimana agaknya sahabat-sahabat seagama di Palestin berjuang di sana? Ini hanya perjuangan kecil. Saya tidak akan putus asa!!
Ini mungkin sudah terlamabt tapi inilah usaha sehabis baik yang ingin saya persembahkan kepada Allah di hari pembalasan kelak. Semoga amal sedikit ini diberkati. Doakan untuk semua=)
Posted by zilah at 3:41 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
I'm doing a survay regarding our campus election
at the right corner of this blog..
hope u can spent ur time filling it =)
Posted by zilah at 1:34 PM 0 comments
welcome 2009
Happy new year to all!! Today, i have made my new year resolution; be the new me.. the better me.. as in Islam, today must be better than yesterday and tomorrow must be better than today. For the rest of you out there, move forward for the bright tomorrow. Leave behind what we don't need to carry-Worries, sadness, pain, fear and regrets. Lets us start the self-improvement project where we left all the lame ideas and dive into new perspective of life. Prepare to change as the the world is changing now. Be part of the change and never left behind. Ages are climbing their ways to the end so make a move so you won't regrets at the end. All the best and good luck for all!!
Posted by zilah at 9:52 AM 0 comments