Thursday, December 17, 2009

~ Interesting day ~

Pada awal subuh yang hening.. Bangun and solat kat surau.. kononnya nak khusyuk lebih skit.. tup2 tetido kt surau.. bangun2 je sakit tulang blakang.. sejuk x mau2 huhu..

Siap2 nak g lab.. buang tebiat.. pkai baju batik kaler ijau.. kaki x nak gerak kuar dr blik so makn breakfast dlu.. nyum2.. kol 10 bru g lab..

Kat lab.. x de BSA n eppendorf tube so kne jalan g IPS.. lalala.. maka berjalanlah dua orang makcik seakan2 nak g pasar beli lauk tgh hari.. da amek agar, tati tolak2 soh g minta eppendorf tube kt cindy.. huhu.. stelah menggagahkan diri dpatlah 2 kotak eppendorf.. Happy!! Thanks Cindy!! Cindy soh buang kotak kosong kt luar lab.. tp konpius.. kt mane?

Balik lab.. mkan tgh hari n sambung keje~ streaking smbil singing lalalala~

Hari merangkak ke petang.. mummy tati call soh balik.. so ktrang pun kemas2 barang.. tetiba berita kurang menggembirakan :(
Yi Hui: dr K says lab is not open on friday.. saturday buka la
Izzati: Hah..Why??
Yi Hui: Mr Gopal is in d hospital n Abg Jep is going to celebrate it.. so no body is available for tomorrow (sambil gelak2)

hurm.. lab x bukak sok so kene abeskan keje hrini gak.. kill2 die2 n wash everything tok hapuskan bahan bukti ;D.. ohh.. laparnya.. naseb baik Hana sedekah skotak susu y spatutnya dia wat yogurt hehe.. thanks Hana!! x kesah la simpan kt cold room pon.. y pnting ak dan maziah kenyang minum susu..

malam say hi! kemas2 lab.. packing barang.. kunci pintu lab.. dok pikir nak blik nek teksi ke jalan kaki.. disebabkan usung fail2 yg berat tu n hujan rintik2.. amik kputusan tok nek teksi.. duduk la tgu teksi kat bus stand ngan maziah.. baru prasan y purse tinggl dlm lab.. huhuhu.. no money lorh.. terasa diri sendiri malang :(

maxi pon offer la pinjam duit dia.. thanks maxi!! so berjalanlah dua orang kawan ke mesen atm bank islam.. seanjang jalan ak dok berharap ad le org tompangkan ktrang huhu.. maxi balik dlu.. Disebabkan tahap kesabaranku y rendah, ak pn bertekad utk jalan kaki pulang.. hehe jimat duit.. maka berjalan kakilah cik noorzilah di bawah hujan renyai2 [dramatik lebih haha] ..

tanpa ku sangka2 sebijik keta berenti di sebelahku.. fikirku mereka ingin bertanya arah.. rupa-rupanya mereka ingin menompangkan aku.. huhu.. betapa terharu n bersyukurnya ak dikala itu hahaha... thanks makcik n pakcik!! Gumbira ;D

da sampi pndu puteri ak terus call Maziah.. Excited cita kt maxi.. sepanjang nek tangga dok gelak2 happy.. elok je smpi tingkt 3, ak tcegat dpan pintu.. o ohhhhhh!!! card dlm purse!!! x bley masuk floor.. brkata pd diri sndri "kamu bisa pikir zilah".. tepon k ayuni dgn hrapan dia ad kt blik.. dia kt umak kak dia huhu [hampa].. tpon fit.. hp dia x da beteri [hampa lagi].. blari2 trun bawah carik tpon.. call pejabat.. x de org sambut [kecewa].. tpon panyelia.. kecewa lagi.. tpon 3rd floor[berdebar2].. yey! ad org angkt.. blari naik tgkt 3 coz nak jmpe ort tu nk say thanks.. org tu da x de.. Neway.. Thanksss!!!

Semput.. x larat nak wat pape.. dduk dpn leptop n start to write smbil rse tharu coz rmainya org tolong arini..

Alhamdulillah.. Smua yang berlaku dibawah kehendakMu ya Allah.. tempatkanlah aku dikalangan orang2 yang bersyukur.

Ya Allah, di awal Hijrah ini, muliakan dan sayangi saudara-saudaraku yang banyak menghulurkan bantuan kepadaku sepanjang usia ini.. Bahagiakan keluarganya, sihatkan tubuhnya dan berkati rezekinya. Amin.

Friday, September 11, 2009

~ zilah no hibi~

Semalam sy ditinggalkan bersendirian di satu majlis bertempat di kps. I dont know why i feel lonely eventhough there are so many people that i know and i can call friends. Just a weird feeling last night. Meet my friends but don't know what to talk about. I tried to smile but it seems so fake =( . Feeling sick of my own 'weird feeling', i just walk out of the majlis before it ended.

It just so nice walking under d moon light hehe.. feel like to singgah the UM lake and breath d fresh midnight air but takot la plak huhu..

At room - cannot sleep ='( .. i tried very hard but my eyes keep disobeying me. Keep thinking on what to do for the project; seafood? egg product? milk n dairy? Waaaaaaaa... cannot choose one!! suddenly teringat kat makcik vet PJ.. sooooooooo geram at her~ tha previous project was so nice.
cannot sleep..
cannot sleep....
cannot sleep......
i search for salmonella journal d rest of the night. Headache ~

Going to IPS at 10am, late already. Rushing to cold room to take samples and lost my beloved brown brooch on the way to IPS huhu.. luckily the bus dont gelek me on the way.. so close you know.

In the student's lab, my brain seems to be so empty. Lost in space~ lalalalala~ me and zati were preparing agar for our first sample. Zati was out to pray while i brilliantly pour d broth media in plates hahaha.. zati keep repeating that until now haha.. foolish things done when i'm not in focus.

While waiting for d agar to harden, we were playing 'bunga matahari n zombie' [dunno whats d real name]. so interesting one.. like it!! protecting izza's home from zombie~

what else? dun remember~ still very blurrr......

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

~Blurrr.. Pening2~

"impianku bukan menjadi isteri saudagar pak.. impian ku ingin menjadi seorang GURU"

ibu Muslimah

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

~The World is Starving~

The world is starving from:

1. Good manners

2. Clean air and water

3. People who will stand for humanity

4. The community that will go against racism

5. Leaders who say NO to corruptions.

6. Children who are being brought up with religious knowledge

7. Scholar who uses knowledge for the benefit of human kind

8. Country where every citizen is treated with respect and


9. Place where our child can see their future

The world is sick. What's the cure?

The world is suffering. Who cares?

The world will come to the end. No one bother.

Make this world a better place to live. If it is not for us, it is for our future generation.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

~Marshmallow and Mornflakes Oat~


A pack of Mallow Blast and Mornflake instant oat save me from starving tonight =).. Thanks to my best friends who gave me these foods. It’s so delicious.. nyum.. nyum.. Is it because I’m so hungry? Haha.. who knows..

It’s raining heavily outside that I can’t even go to Amjal for my dinner. I’m easily got hungry when the weather turn to be like this, cold and dull. Being too lousy doing my assignment, with my stomach playing a rock song, I began to start my ‘room cleaning session’ so that I can ignore my hunger. Suddenly, I found a pack of chocolate covered marshmallow and 2 packs of Mornflakes inside my drawer. LUCKY XD!! I ate with a grateful heart. Thanks to Allah.

This reminds me of our families in Africa, Iraq and all over the world who are suffering from hunger. They are not lucky enough to suddenly found marshmallow inside their drawer or being treated free food by their best friend. We are so lucky to be blessed with enough foods, enough restaurants and money to eat. We can eat wherever we want and whenever we want yet we still complaining about food. Skipping one meal of dinner can make us angry and fight with each other. Haven’t take breakfast make us mourn until lunch time. Sometimes I just can’t really understand what foods really mean to each individual. If it’s for me, I just don’t mind skipping my meal and eat double the amount on the next day [don’t do this at home] haha.. Maybe I got used to it already =). But, I do get angry because of food sometimes (*_*).

My friends and I, do reflect the situation of our friends who are hardly getting food and water to fill their tummy. They can’t even choose what to eat. Maybe this is a different argument and different situation but I can’t imagine if we are on their shoes. If suddenly Malaysia is being attacked by Thailand and everything is turned to be like the 50’s. Special meal: ubi kayu + ikan masin, only served at midnight when the army are sleeping, candle light dinner ~ . Are we going to survive?

Ramadhan is just around the corner. It is the best time to reflect ourselves. Add up whatever less and throw away useless things. Happy Ramadhan!! Hopefully, this Ramadhan is a lot better than before. Almighty God. Peace be upon Muhammad, the messenger of God.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Mata Burung @ Dalam Tempurung?

While sitting alone at the HEP today, i took the red bulletin on the table and lazily read it. After flipping a few pages, my eyes caught on one article entitled with 'Mata Burung atau Dalam Tempurung' written by En Abdul Shukur Ishak(someone from Universiti Malaysia Pahang). I do think that this article is closely related to me and the people around me =)

"Lihat dunia dari mata burung atau lihat dari dalam tempurung, yang mana satu engkau pilih", begitulah bunyi sebahagian dari bait-bait lirik lagu popular 'Tanya Sama itu Hud-hud' ciptaan penghibur tersohor negara M.Nasir. Lirik tersebut walaupun ringkas menyingkap makna mendalam tentang sudut pandangan manusia yang berbeza-beza terhadap dunia dan kehidupan.

Manusia sebenarnya boleh memilih untuk melihat dan mentafsirkan persekitarannya dari dua sudut yang bertentangan. Bagi yang memilih untuk melihat dunia dari mata burung akan mempunyai jangkauan yang jelas dan meluas serta mencangkupi ruang lingkup yang amat besar. manakala yang memilih untuk melihatnya dari dalam tempurung akan mentafsirkannya secara sempit, kabur dan dalam ruang lingkup yang amat terbatas.

Seekor katak yang berselindung di bawah sebuah tempurung pastinya akan terhijab dari persekitaran yang amat luas di luar. Dia akan terlindung daripada hiruk pikuk dan pelbagai ragam kehidupan di luar. Dia hidup bersendirian dan kesunyian di dalam tempurung. Namun, si katak merasakan bahawa itu sahajalah dunianya dan bertanggapan begitu jugalah bentuk suasana di luar tempurung. Biarpun berada di dalam ruang yang sempit, gelap lagi menyesakkan, sang katak tetap berasa selesa dan tidak mahu keluar dari situ.

Begitulah juga sebahagian manusia yang memilih untuk melihat dunia dari dalam tempurung. Oleh kerana mereka tidak berpeluang melihat pemandangan di luar yang penuh rencam, mereka beranggapan bahawa persekitaran merekalah yang terbaik, buah fikiran merekalah yang paling bernas sedangkan hakikatnya tempurung yang melindungi mereka selama ini telah mendangkalkan kebolehan mereka untuk berfikir, meninjau pelbagai pilihan, membuat pertimbangan dan keputusan dengan baik. Kadang-kadang mereka bersungguh-sungguh mempertahankan pandangan mereka dan merasakan merekalah yang paling benar. Bagi yang sedar, mereka akan berasa malu apabila pandangan mereka bertembung dengan pendapat orang yang mempunyai sudut pandangan sang burung.

Dalam dunia tanpa sempadan yang serba mencabar ini, kita harus memilih untuk melihat dunia dari mata burung. Orang yang memilih sudut pandangan seperti burung yang terbang melayang di angkasa akan lebih memahami persekitarannya lantaran ruang lingkup pemandangan yang jauh dan lebih meluas. dia akan lebih bijak membuat pilihan, pantas menyesuaikan diri dengan pelbagai keadaan, waspada terhadap pelbagai risiko di sekelilingnya, dan tangkas merebut peluang yang mendatang.
Sang katak tidak dapat melihat apa yang ada di luar tempurung namun manusia boleh melihat keadaan di luar dengan jelas. Adakah manusia ingin diibaratkan seperti katak dalam gelas yang hanya dapat melihat tetapi tidak mahu melakukan apa-apa.

how i wish all of us can look through the eyes of a bird =)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


UMCares,in collaboration with University of Malaya UNESCO Club, and MPMUM, is proud to invite you to be a part of our upcoming


This is the very 1st time ever an event as such is held in University of Malaya. UMCares is a group that serves and leads the way of University of Malaya's purpose of being environmental friendly...Together with University of Malaya UNESCO Club and MPMUM, we hope this Car-Boot Sale will be the start of environmental projects in University of Malaya. This Car-Boot Sale aims to encourage the 5R's campaign - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Renew and Respect.

Details of the event are as follows:

Date : 1st August 2009 (Saturday)
Time : 10am till 5pm
Venue : KPS Open Parking Space in UM
Limits : Available for 1st 50 Cars (1st come, 1st serve basis)
Rental : RM30 per lot (2 parking lots)-only ONE car per lot (lunch for two included)
Condition :ONLY used goods/items that are usable are allowed. NO SELLING of alcohol, cigarattes and food & beverages are allowed.

We hope to encourage Malaysians to go GREEN and start making the effort to save our earth. Profits will be channeled to future UMCares programmes which will continue the fight for an environmental friendly world.
We hope you will be a part of our mission and hope your friends and family to join us on that day to share the joys and sparks our GO-
GREEN spirits...

For further details, kindly contact us through Titus Loh (Director) at (017-2085777)

See you there!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

meeting with COMPLETE

Hari ni teman Jannah pegi meeting ngan COMPLETE (Non Government Organization that fights for Palestine issues). Walaupun rasa mrendah diri been with all the doctors but that meeting was fun. sangat beza ngan meeting2 yang pernah pegi sebelum ni. Arguments, ideas, participation of all members making me feel very happy. Semua orang participate and volunteer nak jadi pic. Everything were discussed nicely and 'masak' and everybody satisfied with the resolution. the flow was very good.

Percanggahan pendapat dalam meeting is something that we can't avoid. Perbezaan pendapat ataupun ideologi dalam perbincangan adalah sesuatu yang sihat kerana percanggahan inilah yang akan mengembangkan skop pemikiran untuk berfikir lebih jauh dan lebih teliti. But this can be achieved only when you r ready to celebrate the differences rather than forcing everybody to be the same as you. In this case, trust is important. I believe that life is a mirror. You will get as much as what you have done. So to gain trust form others, you have to trust them first. Make the first step because yang memberi lebih baik daripada yang menerima [lebih baik memberi kepercayaan daripada mengharapkan kepercayaan orang lain].

Saturday, June 13, 2009

~mulakan hidup BARU~


its been a long time since the last time i wrote some words in this blog haha.. n someone says my blog dah b'sawang.. funny ;P .. feeling like i'm going to start again.. new semester with a new vision of my life yey! i'm quoting something from maxy..

" mulakan hidop BARU"

i have put up the sign of our new mission[mentioned above] at our room's door so that every one can see..
YESTERDAY : we FAILED the task to begin our new life hahaha.. it just the same day as yesterday..
TODAY: must be better than yesterday.. never give up!!

~towards the better future~ [poyooo... hahaha]

Monday, January 19, 2009

Pro Mahasiswa UM menuju kemenangan!!

Sebuah kisah di zaman Nabi Ibrahim, semasa Nabi Ibrahim dibakar oleh kaumnya, seekor burung kecil terbang berulang alik mengisi air dalam paruhnya lalu menyiram ke atas api yang membakar. Itulah yang dilakukannya berulangkali. Tingkah lakunya diperhatikan oleh makhluk Allah yang lain lalu bertanya kepada burung kecil itu, ‘buat apa kau penat-penat mengambil air berulang alik, sedangkan api yang membakar Nabi Ibrahim takkan terpadam dengan air yang kau siramkan itu.’

Teman-teman yang tidak lokek membantu

Lalu dijawab oleh burung tersebut, ‘Memang ia tidak akan memadamkan api tersebut, tetapi aku lebih takut kepada Allah kerana Allah akan menyoal aku nanti, apakah yang aku lakukan untuk agama Allah, dan Allah tidak akan bertanya samada aku berjaya memadamkan api itu ataupun tidak‘.

Perkara ini menjadikan saya sedar bahawa usaha manusia hanya sedikit namun sejauh mana manusia mampu untuk melaksanakan sesuatu dalam menegakkan agama Allah di muka Bumi ini.

Begitu juga dengan perjuangan Pro M dalam memastikan kemenangan berpihak kepada pihak yang benar dalam sesi pemilihan MPMUM kali ini. Kami diterjah dengan pelbagai asakan menekan dari pihak HEP namun saya sedar bahawa ini hanya medan ujian kecil. Bagaimana agaknya sahabat-sahabat seagama di Palestin berjuang di sana? Ini hanya perjuangan kecil. Saya tidak akan putus asa!!

Ini mungkin sudah terlamabt tapi inilah usaha sehabis baik yang ingin saya persembahkan kepada Allah di hari pembalasan kelak. Semoga amal sedikit ini diberkati. Doakan untuk semua=)


Friday, January 2, 2009



I'm doing a survay regarding our campus election
at the right corner of this blog..
hope u can spent ur time filling it =)

welcome 2009

Happy new year to all!! Today, i have made my new year resolution; be the new me.. the better me.. as in Islam, today must be better than yesterday and tomorrow must be better than today. For the rest of you out there, move forward for the bright tomorrow. Leave behind what we don't need to carry-Worries, sadness, pain, fear and regrets. Lets us start the self-improvement project where we left all the lame ideas and dive into new perspective of life. Prepare to change as the the world is changing now. Be part of the change and never left behind. Ages are climbing their ways to the end so make a move so you won't regrets at the end. All the best and good luck for all!!